Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Take a moment to think about what identifies you, what makes up who you are. And take another moment to think about what could make up who you are, and what could make up your identity. Living for the things in this world only bring a short-lived selfish satisfaction that leads you no where but takes you back from where you were originally. Living in and for Him, the way we were created to be living, is the only way to live that will bring true happiness. Spending time in this world is taking time away that you could be spending in His kingdom, and spending time in His kingdom brings us a joy, peace, and comfort far greater than not only the world, but human comprehension in general. Please take the short time we have in this world to not live for your own self-righteousness, but to further His kingdom by allowing Him to love you, by loving others, and to be loved by others. I promise, and can say with complete confidence, that leaving this world behind will bring you more joy than that dream life that you came up with for yourself. The Father made us, and knows what makes us happier than anything else despite what you may think makes you happy, and He wants to see us as happy as we make Him. Let Him give you what He has planned for you by living a righteous and holy life, not a life filled with the world and all that has fallen with it. Find your identity in Him, and He will place His identity in you. :)
"As we lay down the things that we think define us, He becomes the thing that defines us, and we become the very likeness of the creator God in a world that is starving to see His face."